ANDY WARHOL'S TOMATO by Vince Melocchi
It’s 1946 in Pittsburgh. An 18-year-old Andy Warhol finds himself in the basement of a working-class bar. Over the course of a summer, Andy gives and gets inspiration, guidance, and friendship from a surprising source in this fictional take on an apocryphal story of an American legend.

JULIA by Vince Melocchi
L.A Weekly Award nomination: Best Playwright
After years of self-exile in Detroit, Lou Perino returns to his hometown in Pennsylvania to right a wrong he did 50 years ago to Julia, the girl he loved. Once, the Korean War stood in their way – now it’s something entirely different.
This beautiful story of love and pride delicately explores the nature of forgiveness, grief and redemption.
"Julia is a very touching work by playwright Vince Melocchi written with the conviction that the little, almost incidental, acts of youth can haunt us for a lifetime….a vibrant exploration of love and regret….takes a simple story and brings it to the personal level, with immediacy, honesty and restraint." – Reviews Off Broadway

LIONS by Vince Melocchi
2009 Ovation Award nominee: Best PlaywritingIt’s the 2007 NFL season and the Detroit Lions are on a winning streak — unfortunately out of work steelworker John Waite is not. With humor and humanity, playwright Vince Melocchi offers a glimpse into The Tenth Ward Club, where the patrons place their hopes on their team, and attempt to escape the creeping demise of their city and of their way of life.
“Melocchi’s play is a smart, humanistic…observation of working-class survivalism.”– Los Angeles Times
“Lions is about hope…about the endurance of a middle class getting squeezed…finding life amid the lifeless.” – Detroit Free Press
"An all-around touching portrait of Middle America, a reminder that ‘real Americans’ need not be so reductively characterized as Joe the Plumber.” – L.A. Weekly
“In Vince Melocchi’s play, Lions, we are privy to the hardships of a group of downtrodden men and women who are faced with the economic sufferings of today’s world.” – Stagehappenings
“Lions is about hope…about the endurance of a middle class getting squeezed…finding life amid the lifeless.” – Detroit Free Press
"An all-around touching portrait of Middle America, a reminder that ‘real Americans’ need not be so reductively characterized as Joe the Plumber.” – L.A. Weekly
“In Vince Melocchi’s play, Lions, we are privy to the hardships of a group of downtrodden men and women who are faced with the economic sufferings of today’s world.” – Stagehappenings

Monologue from Lions can be found in The Best Men's Stage Monologues and Scenes (2010)
A Scene from Lions can be found in Exceptional Monologues 2 for Men and Women (2011)